Know what you want

3 April 2024 · 1 min read

This is going to be a drunken rant, maybe it'll be worth publishing, maybe it wont. Fuck it.

I knew what I wanted when I started this journey. It's not changed. I wanted to run a business that didn;t need me.

The internet was in full swing and working hard was for suckers. It still is. Nothing has changed. And I love working.

I love working when it's not working, When it's pure passion. You're just lost in the work, time passes. Flow, they call it.

i never wanted to freelance, or I guess, help build other peoples business, directly at least.

I wanted a product, something... I didn't know what, something that would sit there and work, earn.

I've got that now. I've got things that are out there, earning money, things that I haven't touches for months...

I could have done this years ago.

But it doesn't matter. I'm on my journey, you're on yours. We're different, that's okay.

What matters is taking a step. A step in the right direction, a leap sometimes.

But what do I actually want? I don;t really like expensive things, cars, housed, jewellry.

I like books, music and good food. I barely fucking need money.

I want time.