Moving weight

19 January 2022 · 1 min read

It turns out slow and steady can win the race.

At the start of December I started fasting again. My previous fasting routines have been between 1 and 10 days. These obviously work well for a bit but are very hard to maintain over a long period, and, after a fasting period, I found it hard to restart.

This time I’m doing OMAD (One meal a day), Monday to Friday. This is relatively easy in comparison to longer term fasting. My system is fairly simple too. I skip breakfast and lunch, and eat an evening meal when I get home.

I don’t watch what or how much I eat, I just eat what I want. Weekends are a free for all, I just try not to be a fat cunt. Sometimes I succeed.

So far so good. I’m a full stone lighter. Onwards and upwards.