The year of little

16 January 2023 · 1 min read

Everyone wants more.

More more more.

For this year at least, I want less.

Less work, less algorithm, less stuff, less consumption, less clients, less noise.

This starts with cancelling my usage of services. Youtube, Reddit, this is my goodbye letter.

You're full of good shit, but our relationship is all sorts of messed up. I crave you, and you don't respect me one bit in return.

So I blocked yo' ass. Right in yo' muthafuckin hosts file.

Taylor coined it, Linear Life.

Additionally, my physical life is full of shit - literally.

I love the idea of minimalism but I always wanted to follow it to the letter. I think old age (middle age?) is making me a lot more pragmatic, and, as a partner of a beautiful woman and a father of 3 kids, I feel like I can be more pragmatic about minimalism.

Categorically, it makes more sense to own more than 100 items. I don't know what what number is and i don't think I actually need to know what it is either, what I do know is that there is a lotm of things in my life that no longer serve me.

That is all the reason I need to get rid of things.

Doing that will make my life a lot better. I'll have less to think about, less to worry about, more room in the house, in the loft and in the garage.

I don't need to own a lot of the stuff I want to own. Books, equipement, clothes, stuff.

The 30 day minimalism challenge is where each day you remove yesterdays stuffplus one more item. Day 1 removes 1 thing, day 2 remove 2. I think this is doable. I could even list everything on ebayfor 99p.

Easy? maybe.